Intravesical electro stimulation
Also known as Detrusor stimulation; Bladder Electrical Stimulation or intravesical electro stimulation.
Electrical stimulation performed within the bladder.
Usually the detrusor muscle (responsible for expelling urine from the bladder) is the target of the stimulation. Intravesical detrusor stimulation, improves muscle tone and strength and is an effective treatment for conditions such as overflow incontinence.
detrusan® is a breakthrough electrical stimulation FDA approved treatment for urinary incontinence, please take the time to peruse the information in this site and see if detrusan® is right for you.
Electrical stimulation performed on the bladder may increase bladder capacity without a corresponding increase in storage pressure.
Science Direct has published some interesting statistics on this procedure.
detrusan® is a breakthrough FDA approved therapy for the treatment of urinary incontinence. If you suffer from UI, please take the time to peruse the information in this site and see if detrusan® is right for you.