Atonic Bladder

Also known as “detrusor atony” or “flaccid bladder”.

The bladder enters a state of “permanent fullness” at which point urine may passively leak, or overflow, through the urinary sphincter which cannot withstand the constant pressure.

Atonic bladder and the resulting incontinence is caused by atrophy, or some form of damage, to the detrusor muscle (which causes the bladder to contract and expel urine) . This muscle weakness results in an inability to proerly empty the bladder.

If a weak detrusor muscle is indeed the problem detrusan® electrical stimulation therapy can exercise the detrusor muscle to restore the strength it needs to fully void the bladder.

detrusan® is a breakthrough FDA approved therapy for the treatment of urinary incontinence. If you suffer from UI, please take the time to peruse the information in this site and see if detrusan® is right for you.

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